“Immigration as a Moral Issue” is a statement of conscience that was adopted by the UUA General Assembly in 2013.
For more information on the statement of conscience, please go to the UUA website.
On the 4th Sunday in September, October, and November, 2013, after the regular Sunday service, we met to discuss issues related to Immigration as a Moral Issue, based upon the curriculum provided by UUA and information gathered by our members. We also participate in food and clothing drives for migrant farmworkers in the area.
In March, 2014, we hosted a panel discussion on:
Immigration and Migrant Farmworkers
March 12, 2014, 7:00 p.m., UU Church of Valdosta, 1951 E. Park Ave.
“A History of the Migrant Laborer Experience in the United States,” Dr. Stephanie Hinnershitz, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Valdosta State University
“Who are the Migrant Farmworkers?,” Israel Cortez, Coordinator, Region 2 Migrant Education Program Office, Georgia Department of Education
Hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Church Accepting Difference Project.